CLEOPATRA THE MUMMY, Copyright June 2022, Cleaner Ocean Foundation



Thonis-Heracleion was Egypt’s greatest port for much of the first millennium B.C. before Alexander the Great established Alexandria in 331 B.C. Then it vanished beneath the sea, hiding the location of Queen Cleopatra's tomb - a long lost mystery - until now.












映画:ストーリー - マップ(概要)


Eiga: Sutōrī - mappu (gaiyō)








Indiana Jones/National Treasure adventure, meets Bond and Blade Runner/Bourne Identity technology - with AI and a high-tech ship thrown into the equation - against a background of Ancient Egyptian mystery. What a mix for movie goers.



SCIFI - 1ST ADAPTATION - PLOT SUMMARY: Descendents of WWII Nazi survivors form a secret society part funded by South American drug barons are looking to correct inequities and re-establish a New World Order without armed conflict. Their method is built on the superiority of enhanced DNA, developed technology to unite the best Ancient and contemporary bloodlines, despite illegality of antiquities thefts, etc. To this end they secure Cleopatra's remains and reincarnate her for a ritual joining. Against this ambition, other world powers seek to attain the DNA data and supporting technology to generate super soldiers for themselves. John Storm and his crew inadvertently intervene to rescue Charley Temple, getting drawn into rescuing Cleopatra from the Secret Society, putting the crew of the Elizabeth Swann at risk as the US/CIA & MI6 kidnap the cloned Cleopatra, with John Storm (an ancestor of Mark Antony) having to re-rescue the damsel in distress.



SF - 1st アダプテーション - あらすじ: 第二次世界大戦のナチス生存者の子孫が秘密結社を結成し、南米の麻薬王の資金援助を受け、不平等を是正し、武力紛争のない新世界秩序を再構築しようとしています。彼らの方法は、強化された DNA の優位性、古代と現代の最高の血統を統合する開発されたテクノロジーに基づいていますが、遺物の盗難などの違法行為にも関わらずです。この目的のために、彼らはクレオパトラの遺体を確保し、儀式的な結合のために彼女を生まれ変わらせます。この野望に反して、他の世界の大国は DNA データとそれをサポートするテクノロジーを手に入れ、自分たちのためにスーパー ソルジャーを生み出そうとしています。ジョン・ストームと彼の乗組員は、チャーリー・テンプルを救出するためにうっかり介入し、秘密結社からクレオパトラを救出することに巻き込まれ、エリザベス・スワンの乗組員は、米国/CIAMI6がクローンのクレオパトラを誘拐する危険にさらされ、ジョン・ストーム(マーク・アントニーの先祖)が窮地に陥った乙女を再び救出しなければならなくなる。




Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead, paced the cavernous underworld. His heart, heavy with the weight of his charge, thumped against his ribcage. Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of Egypt, lay in her sarcophagus, a silent sentinel of the past. He had watched over her for millennia, his eternal vigil a testament to her extraordinary life.

Isis, the goddess of motherhood and magic, hovered nearby, her ethereal form shimmering in the dim light. She had been drawn to Cleopatra, a woman who had defied the gods and mortals alike. "She is ready," Isis whispered, her voice as soft as the wind rustling through the reeds of the Nile.

Anubis nodded, his gaze fixed on Cleopatra's sarcophagus. "The time is near, my sister. The world above has changed beyond recognition."

Isis smiled, a gentle expression that belied her immense power. "And yet, her spirit remains unbroken. She is a force to be reckoned with, even in death."

Anubis chuckled, a rare sound from the grim god of the underworld. "Indeed. A queen who would not be denied, even by the gods."

They stood in silence for a long moment, their thoughts drifting to the future. The day would come when Cleopatra would rise again, a phoenix reborn from the ashes of the past. And when that day arrived, Anubis and Isis would be there to guide her, to ensure that her second life was as glorious as her first.






アヌビスはうなずき、クレオパトラの石棺に視線を固定した。 「時が近づいています、姉さん。地上の世界は、見違えるほどに変わりました。」







Anubis and Isis stood before Cleopatra's sarcophagus, their ancient forms shimmering in the ethereal light of the underworld. The millennia had passed like grains of sand in an hourglass, each moment a step closer to the day they had awaited.

"The time is near, my queen," Anubis announced, his voice echoing through the cavernous space. "The world above has advanced beyond your wildest dreams."

Cleopatra, her spirit restless within her mummified body, stirred. "What do you mean, Anubis? Have they found a way to bring me back?"

Isis nodded. "The mortals have developed a technology called cloning. They can now replicate the genetic material of the dead."

Cleopatra's eyes widened in disbelief. "Cloning? But that's impossible!"

"Not impossible, merely improbable," Anubis replied. "A man named John Storm has collected the DNA of countless individuals, preserving their genetic heritage for posterity."

"And they have my DNA?" Cleopatra asked, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Yes, your majesty," Isis confirmed. "Your sarcophagus was recovered from the depths of the Mediterranean, and your DNA was extracted."

Cleopatra's spirit surged with anticipation. "I must see this for myself. I must experience the world anew."

"But you must be patient," Anubis cautioned. "The process will take time. There are many challenges to overcome."

"I understand," Cleopatra replied, her voice filled with determination. "I will wait. I will wait for the day when I can walk among the living once more."

Isis smiled, a gentle expression that belied her immense power. "Your time is coming, Cleopatra. And when it does, the world will never be the same."









「不可能ではありません、単にあり得ないだけです」とアヌビスは答えた。 「ジョン・ストームという男が数え切れないほどの人々の
DNA を収集し、後世のために遺伝的遺産を保存しています。」

DNA を持っているのですか?」クレオパトラは興奮で震える声で尋ねた。

DNA が抽出されました。」







Anubis and Isis stood at the edge of the underworld, their gaze fixed on the shimmering surface of the Nile. Below, in the depths of the river, a team of divers headed by Safiya Sabuka was working to recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from the sunken city of Alexandria.

"The mortals are risking much to retrieve her," Isis murmured, her voice filled with concern. "The sarcophagus has been undisturbed for millennia. If it is damaged, her spirit may be disturbed."

Anubis nodded. "The seawater has already taken its toll. The sarcophagus is weakened, and the seal is beginning to fail."

Cleopatra's spirit, watching from the underworld, felt a pang of fear. She had been preserved for so long, her body a testament to the ancient Egyptians' mastery of mummification. If the seal were broken, her body might be beyond repair.

The divers worked with feverish intensity, their lights illuminating the murky depths. As they approached the sarcophagus, a cloud of sediment stirred up, obscuring their vision. Anubis and Isis watched with bated breath, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Cleopatra's sarcophagus lay entombed beneath the waves, a fragile vessel holding the key to her rebirth.

"The water is damaging the sarcophagus," Isis warned, her voice filled with concern. "The salt is corroding the stone."

Anubis nodded, his gaze fixed on the divers. "We must act quickly. If the seal is broken, Cleopatra's spirit may be lost."

Cleopatra, her spirit restless within her mummified body, watched the scene unfold with a mixture of hope and fear.

The divers worked with precision, their movements guided by advanced sonar technology. Slowly but surely, they cleared away the debris surrounding the sarcophagus.

Finally, the divers managed to secure the sarcophagus and begin the ascent. As they emerged from the water, a cheer erupted from the recovery team. Anubis and Isis exchanged relieved glances.

"They have done well," Isis said. "Now we must hope that the sarcophagus can be transported safely to the surface."

Cleopatra's spirit watched with a mixture of hope and trepidation. She knew that the journey was far from over. The true test would come when her body was examined by the scientists. Only then would they know if her dream of rebirth was truly possible.

When the sarcophagus was finally hoisted onto the deck of the salvage vessel, Cleopatra's spirit cheered. She had been freed from her watery prison, and her journey towards rebirth was finally underway.
























Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries, after she famously poisoned herself with an asp in 30 BC. All traces having been wiped out by a tsunami that sank her palace somewhere near Thonis-Heracleion, with archaeologists working inland and along the coast seeking the Pharaoh's wereabouts. Then a shift in the tectonic plates trigger a present day tremor off the coast of Alexandria, revealing clues, when a local fisherman dredges up two unusual artifacts, one being an ivory comb engraved with "Cleopatra."


A team of German and Egyptian archaeologists is led by Rudolf Kessler (a distant relation of General Erich Ludendorff), great grandson of a Nazi scientist who escaped to Brazil in a U-Boat, as World War Two closed in on Adolf Hitler's evil empire.

Charley Temple alerts (protagonist) John Storm as to disturbing technology she has discovered at a village on the banks of the Amazon where Kessler has a base of operations, provided by his Neo Nazi financier and secret society Grand Master: Baron Richthofen.


Baron Heinrich Richthofen believes that by summoning the Egyptian Goddess Isis, through a reborn Pharaoh, as the embodiment of life and fertility, that such invocation will create a conduit through which a master race may once again expand and thrive, to infiltrate key positions in politics in the most powerful nations, to eventually control world destiny. The secret society had almost given up hope of finding a suitable host, where the mummified remains of Hatshepsut and Nefertiti, eluded the archaeological world.


Charley has developed a theory, that world leaders could be cloned, their brains re-programmed and the originals replaced. It's all too far fetched, for her to share this hypothesis, without more proof.




Along the banks of the Amazon, Charley, has found tell-tale evidence of human enhancing, DNA cloning and manipulation technology, perfected by three scientists - that could enable digital reincarnation. Having perfected their art, cloning large mammals, the Baron's team finally managed to nurse a human through embryo to replication, with amazing results, demonstrated in Panama, by a specimen running at near 30mph on a deserted beach. Unfortunately for the sect, witnessed by a backpacker, thus confirming success by the German group.

As an amateur archaeologist, Storm has amassed a sizeable DNA collection that is stored onboard the amazing AI assisted 'Elizabeth Swann.' The Nazi fanatics are keen to acquire this collection, to fill in gaps in their Genome sequence. Having already raided Scotland Yard, and other DNA data bases - and come up wanting.

Other enhancing technology is purchased at an auction by the occultist Neo-Nazi group, aiming to resurrect the last Queen of Egypt, and give her super powers, as an ally of the Fourth Reich, new world order - following a failed attempt years earlier, by a different group, to clone Hitler (The Boys from Brazil).


John travels to the Amazon to meet Charley, but she has been captured by the Baron's henchmen. He effects a rescue, and confiscates elements of the enhancing technology, left behind by the German consortium. Dan Hawk pieces this together, allowing John to make it work. He benefits from being enhanced, becoming many times stronger, and as agile as a monkey.


As it becomes clear that the Nazi plans are reaching fruition, the intelligence services coordinated by Interpol, UNESCO, and Blue Shield International, seek out John Storm, as an expert on DNA, also well known to them for his daring environmental exploits. They figure to blame him if all goes belly up. Interpol issue a Red Notice.




John finds the sunken city of Thonis-Heracleion, surveying the site with the Swann's high-tech array of sensors, and interpretation from Hal, the cheeky onboard AI. Using this information he tracks the Society to a secret location near Alexandria; Taposiris Magna.


Despite all efforts to stop them, the Neo-Nazi group manage to replicate Cleopatra, intent on carrying out a ritual to unite Aryan and Royal Egyptian blood. John dramatically intervenes, saving the newborn queen from being defiled. Cleopatra instantly falls for John Storm, the attraction from past lives being mutual. They form an unsaid alliance.


Unfortunately for the re-acquainted couple, history looks set to repeats itself. John is left devastated, disillusioned and distrusting of military authority, when they double-cross him and imprison Cleopatra to study her. John is forced to rescue the reincarnated queen from Guantánamo Bay. The US military don't like this and call an air strike on the Elizabeth Swann with a missile that Hal steers back to Cuba. NORAD call off the attack after the US President Linc Truman orders his Air Force to call off the dogs, when he realizes that the AI on the Swann, could use US missiles against America, in self defence.




ACT 1 - 







ACT 2 - 







ACT 3 - 





ACT 1 - 


Kureopatora no haka wa, kigenzen 30-nen ni dokuhebi de mizukara inochi o tatta koto de yūmei ni natte irai, nanseiki mo no ma yukue fumei ni natte ita. Tonisu herakureion fukin no kyūden o tsunami ga shizumeta koto de, subete no konseki ga keshi sara rete shimatta tame, kōkogaku-sha-tachi wa nairiku-bu ya kaigan-zoi de farao no ibasho o sagashite ita. Sonogo, purēto no hendō ni yori Arekusandoria oki de genzai no jishin ga hassei shi, jimoto no ryōshi ga mezurashī ibutsu 2-ten o shunsetsu shi, sono tegakari ga akiraka ni natta. Sono ibutsu no hitotsu wa `Kureopatora' to kizama reta zōge no kushidatta.

Doitsu to Ejiputo no kōkogaku-sha no chīmu wa, Adorufu hitorā no jaakuna teikoku ga dainijisekaitaisen ni totsunyū suru Chū, U bōto de Burajiru ni nogareta Nachisu no kagaku-sha no himagodearu rudorufu kesurā (ērihhi rūdendorufu shōgun no tōen) ni yotte hikii rarete imasu.

Chārī tenpuru wa, kesurā ga kyoten to suru amazongawa-zoi no mura de hakken shita fuon'na gijutsu ni tsuite, shujinkō no Jon sutōmu ni keikoku suru. Sono gijutsu wa, kesurā no Neonachi no shikin teikyō-shadeari himitsu kessha no gurandomasutādearu rihitohōfen danshaku kara teikyō sa reta monodearu.

Hainrihi rihitohōfen danshaku wa, umarekawatta farao o tōshite, seimei to hōjō no keshindearu Ejiputo no megami Ishisu o shōkan suru koto de, yūtō jinshu ga futatabi kakudai shi han'ei shi, mottomo kyōryokuna kuniguni no seiji no yōshoku ni sen'nyū shi, saishūtekini wa sekai no unmei o sayū suru keiro ga tsukura reru to shinjite iru. Himitsu kessha wa, kōkogaku no sekai kara nogareta hatoshepusuto joō to neferutiti joō no mīra no itai ga mitsukatta tekisetsuna shukushu o mitsukeru koto o hobo akiramete ita.

Chārī wa, sekai no shidō-sha no kurōn o sakusei shi, nō o sai puroguramu shite,-moto no shidō-sha to irekaeru koto ga dekiru to iu riron o tenkai shita. Saranaru shōko ga nakereba, kono kasetsu o kanojo ga kyōyū suru no wa amarini mo higenjitsutekidearu.



ACT 2 - 


Amazon kawanohotoride, chārī wa 3-ri no kagaku-sha ni yotte kansei sa reta, dejitaru umarekawari o kanō ni suru kanōsei no aru, ningen no kyōka, dīenuē kurōn sakusei, sōsa gijutsu no ketteitekina shōko o hakken shimashita. Ōgata honyūrui no kurōn sakusei to iu gijutsu o kansei sa seta baron no chīmu wa, tsuini ningen no hai kara fukusei made o sodateru koto ni seikō shi, odorokubeki kekka o Panama no ninki no nai kaigan de jisoku 30-mairu chikaku de hashiru hyōhon ni yotte jisshō shimashita. Kono shūha ni totte wa zan'nen'nakotoni, bakkupakkā ga sore o mokugeki shi, doitsunin gurūpu no seikō ga kakunin sa remashita.

Amachua kōkogaku-sha to shite, sutōmu wa bōdaina dīenuē korekushon o shūshū shi, odorokubeki AI shien no `Erizabesu suwan' ni hokan shite imasu. Nachisu no kyōshinja-tachi wa, genomu hairetsu no gyappu o umeru tame ni, kono korekushon no nyūshu ni nesshindesu. Sudeni Sukottorando yādo ya sonohoka no dīenuē dētabēsu o shūgeki shite imasuga, seika wa nozomemasen.

Sonohoka no kyōka gijutsu wa, ōkushon de okaruto shugi no neonachigurūpu ni yotte kōnyū sa re, Ejiputo saigo no joō o fukkatsu sa se, kanojo ni chō nōryoku o atae, daiyonteikoku no dōmei-sha to shite no shinsekaichitsujo o mezasu. Kore wa, sūnenmae ni betsu no gurūpu ga hitorā no kurōn o tsukurou to shita shippaishita kokoromi (Burajiru kara kita shōnen-tachi) no ato o tsugu monodearu.

Jon wa chārī ni au tame ni amazon e mukauga, kanojo wa danshaku no teshita-tachi ni torae rarete ita. Kare wa kyūshutsu o seikō sa se, Doitsu no konsōshiamu ga nokoshita kyōka gijutsu no ichibu o ōshū suru. Dan hōku ga kore o tsunagi-awase, Jon ga sore o jikkō dekiru yō ni suru. Kare wa kyōka no onkei o uke, nan-bai mo tsuyoku nari, saru no yō ni kibin ni naru.

Nachisu no keikaku ga jitsugen ni chikadzuite iru koto ga akiraka ni naru to, intāpōru, Yunesuko, burūshīrudointānashonaru ga renkei suru chōhō kikan wa, dīenuē no senmonkadeari, kankyō hogo katsudō no daitan'na torikumide mo shira reru Jon sutōmu o sagashidasu. Karera wa, subete ga shippai shita baai, kare o semeru tsumorida. Intāpōru wa akairo tsūkoku o dasu.


ACT 3 - 


Jon wa suwan no haitekuna sensāarei to, namaikina tōsai AIdearu Haru no kaishaku o tsukatte genba o chōsa shi, chinbotsu shita toshi tonisu herakureion o hakken shimashita. Kono jōhō o shiyō shite, kare wa kyōkai o tsuiseki shi, Arekusandoria chikaku no himitsu no basho, taposhirisu maguna ni tōtatsu shimashita.

Soshi shiyou to suru arayuru doryoku nimokakawarazu, neonachigurūpu wa Kureopatora o saigen shi, āria hito to Ejiputo ōke no chi o musubitsukeru gishiki o suikō shiyou to shimasu. Jon ga gekiteki ni kainyū shi, umareta bakari no joō o yogosa reru koto kara sukuimasu. Kureopatora wa Jon sutōmu ni isshun de koi ni ochimasu. Zense kara otagai ni hika re atte itakaradesu. Karera wa anmoku no dōmei o musubimasu.

Saikai shita kappuru ni totte zan'nen'nakotoni, rekishi wa kurikaesa reru yōda. Gun ga kare o uragiri, Kureopatora o kenkyū suru tame ni kankin shita toki, Jon wa uchinomesa re, genmetsu shi,-gun ni fushin-kan o daku. Jon wa guantanamo-wan kara umarekawatta joō o kyūshutsu suru koto o yoginaku sa reru. Kome-gun wa kore o kokoroyoku omowazu, Erizabesu suwan e no misairu kūbaku o meiji, Haru wa sore o kyūba e to sōjū suru. Rinkān kome daitōryō ga kūgun ni kōgeki chūshi o meijita nochi, nōraddo wa kōgeki o chūshi suru. Suwan no AI ga jiei no tame ni Amerika no misairu o Amerika ni taishite shiyō suru kanōsei ga aru koto ni kidzuita tamedearu.











ACT 1.


PROLOGUE    INNER CIRCLE OF SIX - Nazi funded medical human research laboratories. Joseph Mengele's backup plan for a Fourth Reich, to be structured by selected escaped scientists, with relocation to Brazil, as a reserve plan if it looks as though Germany might lose World War Two.


CHAPTER 1.   THE POISON ASP - Overwhelmed by grief, Cleopatra poisons herself with a cobra bite in her mausoleum (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 2.   WRATH OF THE GODS - The destruction of Thonis and Alexandria (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 3.   NEW WORLD ORDER - A Neo-Nazi plan to regenerate Aryan supremacy (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 4.   CYBERCORE GENETICA - Nano computer technology is purchased at an auction by a religious sect (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 5.   INCUBUS - Franco Francisco accepts offer of employment from Roberta Ferrara (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 6.   SPLICE - Klaus von Kolreuter perfects a method of gene manipulation (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 7.   TREMORS - Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries, until shift in the tectonic plates trigger tremor off the coast of Alexandria (allow 4 - 5 pages)


ACT 2.


CHAPTER 8.   PANAMANIAN RUNNING MAN - Marjorie Boyle videos exceptionally fast athlete, Sam Hollis investigates (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 9.   AMAZON QUEEN - Elizabeth Swann navigating river and docking at Manaus (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 10. TOMB RAIDERS - Safiya Sabuka finds Ahmed Saleh and persuades him to reveal where he found Cleopatra's ivory comb. (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 11. SCOTLAND YARD - London's secure DNA database is stolen (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 12OPERATION ALEXANDRIA - Neo-Nazi occultists recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from underwater tomb near Palace (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 13. KIDNAPPED - Charley is taken prisoner up the Amazon, John, Dan and (eventually) CIA rescue her (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 14. UNESCO - Catholic Church fear grave desecration heritage theft, asks agencies for help. Interpol issue Red Notice (allow 4 - 5 pages)


ACT 3.


CHAPTER 15. REPLICANT - The Society reproduce Cleopatra using Francisco's RepliVator™, uploading synapse sequence, implanted memories (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 16. FULL STEAM AHEAD - To Thonis, then uses the Swann's AI sensors and the Ark database to find tomb has been plundered (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 17. RITUAL SACRIFICE - The Baron prepares a drugged Cleopatra for ceremonial impregnation (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 18. SANCTUM INTERRUPTUS - John finds Nazi hideout near Alexandria, disturbs ritual - rescues Cleopatra, arresting conspirators (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 19. THE CHOSEN ONE - The reincarnated Cleopatra falls for her rescuer. John comes under her spell, despite her being a replicant (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 20. MILITARY INTERVENTION - Military detain Cleopatra for stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught (allow 4 - 5 pages)


CHAPTER 21. DÉJÀ VU - History repeats itself, military lock up technology as gross violation of human rights, John left disillusioned (allow 4 - 5 pages)






The Mummy, Hammer Comics media review cover art     Cleopata is raised from the dead, using the DNA from her mummy     CLONED REPLICANT - Using the latest technology in computer genome mapping and digital DNA splicing, a sect of occultist scientists, reincarnate Cleopatra VII, who died in 30BC, having located and plundered her sarcophagus from its watery grave. The resurrected Pharaoh has to mesh with the modern world she's been reborn into, where the Fourth Reich styled New World Order harbour world infiltration plans for the Queen of the Nile and her Aryan offspring. Then again, the CIA and DARPA have other ideas.



CLONED REPLICANT - Using the latest technology in computer genome mapping and digital DNA splicing, a sect of occultist scientists, reincarnate Cleopatra VII, who died in 30BC, having located and plundered her sarcophagus from its watery grave. The resurrected Pharaoh has to mesh with the modern world she's been reborn into, where the Fourth Reich styled New World Order harbour world infiltration plans for the Queen of the Nile and her Aryan offspring. Then again, the CIA and DARPA have other ideas.











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