GREAT ART - The highest grossing movie of all time in adjusted $dollars - and deservedly so in our view. Clark Gable, as Rhett Butler, and Vivien Leigh as Scarlet O'Hara. We've moved on a bit since 1939, we can now make anything we imagine come to life on the big (or small) screen. It all depends on the budget, and that depends on the viewing public.
The world of filmed entertainment lives and breathes creativity in all aspects of development and production. The industry employs millions of talented people all over the world, and is one of the best means of communicating between cultures; telling stories as no other medium can, with language selection, thanks to DVDs and Blu-Ray tech.
This site looks at the very best movies and actors on planet earth, of which hopefully there will be thousands more, provided we don't bake the land and boil the oceans. Now there's a disaster theme!
The reviews and opinions on this site are independent, unless otherwise stated. You may not agree with us or beg to differ, and that is the whole point, to see what other people think and understand why it is that some movies are blockbusters, and others with great potential and high profile casts, bomb at the box office.
Script adaptation under development in 2022
It takes superb casting to make a great film. It takes a great script writer with a good story to tell. It takes great producers and investors, and it takes great directors with the ability to imagine us into other times and places and feel what is happening, about to happen, or is history - and drive the story over the finishing line - with the viewer as passengers.
We quote the views and reviews of others for comparison purposes, in the quest for fair and well reported evaluations.
A big well done and massive thank you, to all of those who make movies happen and the stars that breath life into the characters we love.
CGI rocks. Compare this movie with the 1933 original, that was a box office success, earning nearly eight times the budget for RKO Radio Pictures.
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