A to Z INDEX of













The scenery is beautiful and the location all excellent ingredients. This is a fun family ride, with Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson, both of whom we are great fans, but this Disney movie is no African Queen. It's a visual effects-heavy escapade with a hint of Pirates of the Caribbean and The Mummy. Unlike Indiana Jones, we're not sure about that hat. Better off, with this big guy perhaps. The film struggled at the box office for many reasons, though we'd hoped for more. Jesse Lon Plemons is a fun (deranged) German antagonist.





Actors - The brilliant people who make stories come to life on the silver screen

Agents - Professionals who represent actors, directors, producers and writers

Amazon MGM - Prime Video, franchises & streaming

Amblin Entertainment

Anime - Top 10 best Anime and Manga events A to Z world wide

Angels - Investors in film production

Awards - Industry recognition that drives excellence

Bankers - 

Berlin Film Festival - Germany

Best films 1975, 1982, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Blockbusters - Movies that perform exceptionally well at the Box Office

Bona Film Group -

British Film Institute - London Film Festival October 9-20th 2024

Busan Film Festival - South Korea

Cairo Film Festival - Egypt

Cameras - Essential optical equipment to capture live action on film or as digital images

Cannes Film Festival - France

Carpenters - The backbone of set making in the movie industry

Casting - The art of melding the right actor for a part, to obtain the best performances for any given work

Castle Rock

Cartegena Film Festival

Centropolis Entertainment

Cleopatra The Mummy - John Storm adventure - Copyright 1st draft screenplay 17th February 2023  

                                - Arabic - Francais - Japanese

Columbia Pictures

Comic-Con - Top 10 A to Z of the biggest comic book conventions, Anime & Manga

Covid 19 - A pandemic that caused chaos in the entertainment world

CyberWars WW3 - Nuclear wipeout and Phoenix rise from the ashes ffor extremist CRINKs

Davis Entertainment -

Directors - The best interpreters on the planet


Edinburgh Film Festival - Scotland

Exploration -

FESPACO - Pan African Film Festival of Ouagadougou

Film Festivals - Top Twenty A to Z index

Finance - Hard to obtain backing to make a screenplay become a reality

Format - Celluliod, Digital

George Lucas - Industrial Light & Magic, Skywalker Sound THX

Grips - Those who work on movie sets to get equipment to where it should be

Hollywood - Tinsel Town

Hong Kong International Film Festival - HKIFF

Indian Film Festival - Goa, Bollywood

Investors - Those wonderful souls with the vision to make entertainment


Jaws - The invention of the Summer Blockbuster in 1975 written by Peter Benchley

Jimmy Watson's Magic DinoBot - Plot Outline & Short Christmas Story chapters

Kryptonite - 

Kulo Luna - A whale sinks a whaling boat and becomes a target - Copyright screenplay 26 Nov 2021


Locarno Film Festival - Switzerland, Swiss Alps, Lake Maggiore - Piazza Grande

London Film Festival - British Institute, iMax

Los Angeles - A geographical location and hot spot in the world of picture making

Makeup - 

Manga - Top ten Manga and Anime comic conventions A to Z


Melbourne Film Festival - Australia


Netflix - Films and TV television streamed services

New York

Operation Neptune The Lost Kingdom of Atlantis - Submarine adventure, thriller

Orion -

Paramount Pictures

Picture Companies A - Z


Producers - The best on the planet

Products - Placements in movies, brand awareness

Q - James Bond's weapons quartermaster

Rachel Reeves & Lisa Nandy give major boost to British film industry with tax breaks & £60m boost Jan 2025

Raspberries - Awards for the worst film performances

Santa Fe Film Festival - New Mexico

Script writers - Those hard working word masters who laboriously put their ideas down on paper

Silver Screen Partners

Skydance Media

Sony pictures

Special effects - The movie magic that makes us believe in the impossible

Steven Spielberg

Studios - Those hubs of creative energy that make it happen

Sundance Film Festival

SXSW South by Southwest Film Festival - Austin, Texas

Television - An invention that allows us to enjoy movie experiences at home

Telluride Film Festival - Colorado

The Holy Compass - John Storm adventure (series 2)

Tokyo Film Festival - Japan

Toronto Film Festival - Canada

Touchstone Pictures

Treasure Island: Blackbeard's Curse & Pirates Gold - Copyright screenplay 24 March 2023 (in progress)

Tribeca Film Festival - New York, Lower Manhattan

Tristar Pictures

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation


Universal Pictures

Value - A great picture at an affordable price

Venice Film Festival - Italy

Walt Disney Pictures

Wardrobe - Costumes for actors to time warp into any production

Warner Bros Pictures

X Factor - That certain something that makes us appreciate the art

Yellow Brick Road
















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